Book Tickets for a Ferry from Dubrovnik to Bari with a Rented Car

Home Forums Ferries from Italy to Croatia Book Tickets for a Ferry from Dubrovnik to Bari with a Rented Car

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  • Sarah Lucas

    Regarding booking Tickets for the Ferry from Dubrovnik to Bari with a Rented Car

    We would like to travel from Dubrovnik to Bari by ferry with a rented car

    I tried to purchase the tickets, but the form asked for the car’s license plate number.

    The issue is that we plan to rent a car just a few days before the ferry trip.

    Does anyone know if there is a way to buy the tickets without providing the car’s license plate number?

    Gospar Ivo

    Many Croatian car hire companies don’t allow you to take cars on international ferries and even if they do it is probably possible but with very high charges.

    It would be cheaper to hand back the car in Dubrovnik, get the ferry to Bari in Italy as a foot passenger, and pick up another rented car in Bari.

    You can drop your car in the port itself, here, and walk to ferry:

    Sarah Lucas

    Yes I know, I am contacting different rental car companies to find one that will allow us to make this journey.


    On the booking page where you have to input the license plate number, you have a check box ‘Rent-a-car vehicle’.

    Check this field.

    Under vehicle brand and type, choose ‘other’  and the approximate size of the car you plan to rent.

    Sarah Lucas

    I have tried to buy the tickets on this site, but I couldn’t find the option to rent a car.


    Sarah, the whole booking process starts with clicking on the orange button. In the field ‘vehicle information’ type TBC (to be confirmed) as shown in the screenshot below:

    after that, you will come to this stage where vehicle details should be typed.

    Here, check ‘ Please tick if unknown’ (as shown in the screenshot below)

    And that’s it.

    Later on, once you sort out the details of your car rental, you will just add it to the booking.

    Make sure you find a rental company that allows cars to travel to Italy.

    Sarah Lucas

    Thank you, I found it! Let me first find the right rental company, thx for your advise.

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